Friday, November 10, 2006

The Multiple Sources Of Income In Tianshi

Retail profit (15%)
Tianshi advises that you endeavour to use the products you purchase for yourself and your family. Tianshi distributorship does not necessarily imply hawking or buying and reselling. You are not prohibited from reselling, however - if you so wish. In that case, Tianshi recommends that you resell to non-distributors at 15% retail profit - and the profit is yours.
Sales bonus - direct and indirect (43%)
When a distributor purchases a product from the company, the purchase price is disbursed as follows:
Purchase price 100%
is equal to Production cost and Company profit 44.5%
plus Sales bonus - direct and indirect 43%
plus Leadership bonus 5%
plus Honorary bonus 5.5%
plus Special awards 2%
Sales bonus (direct and indirect) is the commission paid to a distributor for contributing to the sale of a product. When you build a network of distributors, you are helping the company to make sales. So, you earn direct bonus on the sales made to your direct (first generation) downlines, and indirect bonus on your indirect (later generation) downlines. Every distributor, except star 1, is entitled to sales bonuses.
Leadership bonus (5%)
This is enjoyed from star 5 status upwards. It is paid to you if you are able to demonstrate your leadership qualities and use the power of teamwork to build and encourage your downlines to attain the same status as you.
Honorary bonus (5.5%)
From star 2 up to star 8, your income comes from the sales made within your network only. After star 8, you become an honorary distributor and a shareholder in Tianshi Group, pertaking in the global profits of the company, which is shared on quarter-yearly basis. As much as 5.5% of every sale is remitted to the honorary bonus fund. And you still receive direct, indirect and leadership bonuses from your network sales. (These are calculated as for a star 8 distributor.)
Special Awards (2%)
Special awards include: free international travels, luxury cars, yachts, jetplanes and luxury villas. You receive the awards on attainment of specified status levels. From day one, however, remittances are made from every sale in your network and put aside towards your awards.

Growing Step By Step In Tianshi

NOTE: The following are the basic requirements applicable to the respective status levels. However, certain waivers do apply to individual levels.

1) Star 1
You become a star 1 distributor automatically upon registration. You are only required to complete a registration form and pay the registration fee of N2,700 (20 points), in exchange for which you are given the Tianshi business starter kit. Everybody in Tianshi today started the journey from star 1 and grew step by step to his or her present status.

2) Star 2
You are a star 2 distributor when you make total purchases of 100 points (N13,500) or more - either bit by bit or all at once.

3) Star3
You are a star 3 distributor when you complete the Tianshi requirement on purchases, which is 300 points (N40,500) or more - either bit by bit or all at once. From this point onwards, your priority should be to consolidate your network rather than make more purchases.

4) Star 4
You move up to star 4 when four (4) of your downlines from different networks complete their purchases and attain star 3.

5) Star 5
You move up to star 5 when three (3) of your downlines from different networks attain star 4.

6) Star 6
You become a star 6 distributor when three (3) of your downlines from different networks have attained star 5.

7) Star 7
You are promoted to star 7 the moment three (3) of your downlines from different networks hit star 6.

8) Star 8
You will become a star 8 distributor when three (3) of your downlines from different networks become star 7.

9) Bronze Lion
A Bronze Lion distributor is one who has produced two (2) star 8 downlines from different networks.

10) Silver Lion
This distributor has three (3) star 8 downlines from different networks.

11) Gold Lion
This distributor has four (4) star 8 downlines from different networks.

12-16) Diamond Lion 1-5
A Diamond Lion distributor has 5-10 (five to ten) star 8 downlines in different networks.

17) Honorary Director
An Honorary Director is a distributor who has produced at least four (4) Gold Lions from different networks.

18) Exploit Award
This is the highest promotion. To enjoy this status, you are required to produce at least six (6) networks with a Gold Lion in each network and four (4) of the networks will have an Honorary Director in each network.